mcmaster children’s hospital

Hamilton Health Sciences introduces artificial intelligence tool
Hamilton Health Sciences is exploring the use of artificial intelligence…

‘iCan Bike’ program helps disabled children learn how to ride
Learning how to ride a bike is not an easy…

Hamilton hospital delays nearly 100 tonsil and adenoid surgeries since death of 2 kids
The president of McMaster Children’s Hospital says approximately 100 tonsil…

McMaster pauses tonsil surgeries after 2 children die amid recovery
McMaster Children’s Hospital is pausing all of its scheduled tonsil…

HHS expands program for kids with complex healthcare needs
Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) is expanding access and community partnerships…

McHappy Day returns to support local families with sick children
Proceeds from every menu item purchased on May 8th go to…

Hamilton, Brant County health officials confirm case of measles
Hamilton Public Health and the Brant County Health Unit (BCHU)…

City of Hamilton looks to open first children’s hospice
The City of Hamilton is working to open its first…

Respiratory-related ER visits surge at McMaster Children’s Hospital
A surge of children with symptoms of serious respiratory illnesses…

NICU at McMaster Children’s Hospital celebrates 50 years
On this year’s World Prematurity Day, McMaster Children’s Hospital recognizes…

Runners hit the trails in support of McMaster’s NICU
Hundreds of people got dressed up in their Halloween costumes…

Complex health patients aging out of pediatric care continue to struggle
Hamilton families with children needing specialized care fear for their…

Over 2,400 children waiting for surgery at McMaster Children’s Hospital
McMaster Children’s Hospital is facing a surgical backlog with some…

Cool Cars 4 Kids took place at McMaster University
It was like something out of The Fast and the…

Cool Cars 4 Kids takes place this Sunday at McMaster University
Cool Cars 4 Kids is happening this weekend to raise…

COVID-19, flu, cold clinics close today around the Golden Horseshoe
COVID-19 assessment centres, cold and flu care clinics around the…

Flu, COVID-19, and cold clinic closes at McMaster Children’s Hospital
Hamilton Health Sciences announced plans to close the flu, COVID…

Almost 12K children on waitlist for surgeries in Ontario
Officials at four major pediatric hospitals in Ontario are calling…

HHS to close Urgent Care Centre on Christmas, New Year’s Day
Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) is closing its Urgent Care Centre…

Mighty Mateo Toy Drive collects record number of donations
Ten years ago it was Matteo Szajnowski’s dying wish to…