intimate partner violence

Brantford police charge man in Valentine’s Day intimate partner attempted murder
Brantford police have arrested and charged a 37-year-old man with…

Budget constraints cause Hamilton police to cancel specialty violence unit
Despite “intimate partner violence” being declared an epidemic in the…

Man charged with first-degree murder in death of wife in Oshawa
Police in Durham Region say a 41-year-old man has been…

Hamilton cop charged in domestic violence incident
A 38-year-old Hamilton police officer is facing multiple charges in…

56-year-old man charged with first-degree murder in Lincoln
Niagara police have charged a 56-year-old man from Lincoln with…

Ontario won’t declare intimate partner violence an epidemic after inquest
Ontario has rejected calls from an inquest into the deaths…

Burlington city council declares intimate partner violence an epidemic
Burlington city council has declared intimate partner violence, and violence…

Halton police say intimate partner violence is on the rise
Halton police say officers will attend more than 4,000 incidents…