
Lac Megantic disaster blamed on weak safety measures
The Transportation Safety Board has released its report on last…

Still lots to clean up from Friday storm
Thousands of people in Ontario and Quebec still don’t have…
Possible twisters in Shelburne
Updated Environment Canada says it was a tornado that howled…
Fire destroys Old Ancaster Rd home
Hamilton police are investigating an arson, after an abandoned home…
Benefits of Short Hills deer hunt
Farmers in Pelham aren’t losing any sleep over the controversial…
Goderich: one year later
Video updated It’s been exactly a year since an F-three…
$1M blaze destroys livestock, 120+ year-old barn
It’s estimated that one hundred cows and calves died in…
Hurricane headed for Mexico tourist spots
While things are soggy and wet here, in the Gulf…
A town in recovery
It’s been almost two months since one of the most…
Home destroyed, two cats perish in Fort Erie blaze
A Fort Erie couple is homeless after their house was…
No twister in Fergus: Environment Canada
The wild winds actually started Wednesday night, and in Fergus…
New views of the devastation
Four days after Japan was turned upside down with the…
Arson suspected in Falls fire
An abandoned house was set ablaze Tuesday in Niagara Falls.…