Anya Martinez

10-year-old Anya Martinez passes away after battle with leukemia
A young Hamilton girl that touched the lives of many…

Saving Anya
The family of a young Hamilton girl battling cancer is…

Hamilton girl’s music raises money for McMaster’s Children’s Hospital while she battles leukemia
[projekktor id=’28421′] She’s only nine-years-old and already has two songs…

Anya’s cancer in remission
The family of a six year old Ancaster girl who…

Ancaster’s Anya in Philly for treatment
Anya Martinez, the 6 year old Ancaster girl battling cancer,…

Anya Martinez fundraiser collects $200K
$200,000 has been raised for Anya Martinez, a six year…

Fundraiser for Anya comes with good news
A fundraiser was held for Anya Martinez tonight — the…

Anya going to U.S. for testing
This is the latest chapter in Anya Martinez’s battle to…

Ancaster girl denied cancer treatment
The parents of an Ancaster girl battling leukemia found out…

Help save little Anya
Many of us never have to endure life’s most difficult…